1.Ghost Orchid

A collector of rare plants on a tropical outing first discovered this rare orchid. It is known for a pale white color and spindly, phantasmal appearance. While it’s highly sought after by collectors, the Ghost Orchid is demanding to grow. It only thrives in extremely humid environments with a consistent temperature. Unlike most orchids, this one doesn’t have leaves. Instead, it relies on drawing nutrients out of other plants. The spindly flowers are white, up to 9 cm long, and apple-scented.

2.Dragon’s Blood Tree

To see this rare tree, you’ll have to travel to Yemen, rent a boat, and visit the island of Socotra. Socotra, like the Galapagos Islands, holds a wide variety of unique native species only found there. If you stand beneath a Dragon’s Blood Tree and look up, it resembles the base of a mushroom. Find a tree with a nick in the bark and you’ll learn where it got its name: the sap is red as blood.

3.Oahu stenogyne

Sometimes a miracle happens and a plant, once considered extinct, is rediscovered. Such was teh case with the Oahu stenogyne, which was declared extinct in 2000. However, in 2004 a single large mint plant was rediscovered. This plant is four meters across and may actually be multiple individuals that have grown together. Want some more good news? The more of these mints can be grown from cuttings and roots. Under scientific supervision, the Oahu stenogyne is making a comeback.

4.Middlemist Red

This plant, originally from China, was named after flower importer John Middlemist in 1804. Just 200 years ago, Middlemist Reds were highly sought after by Europeans. The plant was harvested so aggressively that it’s now extinct in its native China. It lives on in only 2 places: botanical gardens in London and New Zealand. That’s right, there are just two specimens left in the world. Middlemist Red is the rarest plant in the world. London’s specimen has had a wild history: the plant survived a bomb planted by an escaped mental asylum patient!

5.Suicide Palm

Madagasgar is known worldwide for its biodiversity. Among the most unusual of this island’s plant life is the Suicide Palm. This palm was first discovered in 2005 by a Madagascar farmer on an outing. It’s extremely rare, with only about 90 found in the wild. This distinctive palm lives for 50 years, flowers, and dies. It’s also quite a towering tree, reaching heights of up to 18 meters in height. Its fan palm leaves stretch 15 meters across, shading broad areas of the Madagascar soil.

6.Kadupul Flower

The Kadupul flower has a gorgeous, once-in-a-lifetime scent. It’s also one of the rarest and most exotic perfume ingredients out there. Kadupul Flowers are incredibly difficult to locate and harvest. The flower blossoms for just one night at midnight. It’s gone by dawn. If you want to find a Kadapul flower, you’d better be comfortable exploring the forest at night. The lucky few to see the Kadapul are entralnced by its gorgeous blossoms and intoxicating scent.